Gallery stories.
CSR Kivuli 14th Anniversary.
- Smoothtel Team interacts with children in an indoor session held at Kivuli Centre.
- Smoothtel’s’ C.E.O Raphael Mwangi hands in gifts to children at Kivuli center during the 14th Anniversary CSR event.
- Our team poses for a group photo during a CSR event at Kivuli Centre.
ELMO partner visit.
- Smoothtel’s International business partners, Mr. Shinji Asano and Mohamed Tariq at the KICD (Kenya curriculum development) during a partner tour in the Country.
- Smoothtel team and ELMO business partners pose for a photograph during their partner visit at National Curriculum Innovation Centre in Nairobi.
Product training.
KPSA Mombasa.
- School Delegates conference in a Smoothtel sponsored event that was held in Mombasa by Kenya private schools association (KPSA).
- A Fascinated crowd learns about education solutions offered by Smoothtel at the Kenya Private Schools Association (KPSA) event in Mombasa.
Sophos Partner Business Breakfast.
Nairobi Hospital Sponsorship.
- Smoothtel Marketing Officer presents a sponsorship cheque to the Nairobi Hospital C.E.O Mr. Gordon Odundo and Medical Director, Ravindra Bowry towards the hospital’s Children’s Heart Fund.
- The Nairobi Hospital C.E.O gives a speech during a recent sponsorship event.